Saturday, April 6, 2013

Aha moments - Not letting fear get in the way of helping myself and others.

This week I have had so many Aha moments that it seems like it couldn't possibly have been only 1 week.

First, a friend of mine, Stacy Moscotti, posted on FaceBook, "Keep it simple. Overcomplicating is a form of procrastination."

WOW! This spoke to me on so many levels.  I tend to over think everything. I worry about missing any details, about not thinking of all the plausible alternatives, etc.  So much so that it often paralyzes me and keeps me from doing!  Have you ever been there?  Are the "What is?" holding you back to?

Second, I was able to share with another friend resources for the highly sensitive person and this immediately had an impact on this person.  WOW!  Acting on your instincts is key. Keeping them in does no one any good.

Third, people are turning to me for guidance regarding healthy lifestyles.  WOW!  ME???  Ok, I have made a lot of progress in this area over the last few years so I do understand being looked at as an inspiration.  BUT, I never would have expected people to turn to me for guidance.  Imagine all the feelings that come with that if you will.

  • OMG
  • Really - how can I possibly help?  I am still so fat and unhealthy. 
  • Wow - I know how to answer these questions. Maybe I can help?
  • What if I give them bad advice and someone gets hurt? 
  • It's only food Kelly.  Smarten up.  You could really help this person!
  • OMG - I can totally do this! 
  • Oh shit!  I hope I gave them the right information.
  • OMG, OMG, OMG, did I forget any details. Pouring over the message again and again to make sure I didn't mislead or forget anything :(
  • When a message letting me know how positively my share has helped them or a loved one comes in :)
  • OMG, what an amazing feeling!  I love doing this! 
  • Who else can I help? 
That's how my week has been this week.  But every single attempt to help has turned out better than I could possibly have imagined it would.  Fear almost stopped my from sharing my knowledge and experience.  ALMOST.  But I got over myself and just forged ahead anyway.  Thankful now.

And all of this made me realize the importance of keeping things simple. Thank you Stacy Moscotti! Your post popped up on my feed just when I needed it.


  1. Kelly - the you of who you are has changed my life. You are an inspiration and a guide. Your humble ways of sharing are a magnificent blessing. Love you so much and thank you so much for always caring. Andrea

  2. Love you back, Andrea! You've helped me is so many innumerable ways. You are a wonderful mentor and an even better friend!
